About Us

As a fresh and enthusiastic start, apnaaghar.com is lending a platform for all home seekers, sellers and real estate professionals in Tri city, Chandigarh apnaaghar.com is a Real Estate-web based portal created, tested and maintained by a dedicated team of software professionals. The service is designed to cater for latest fast growing needs of owners/customers and dealers/promoters/builders in India.

Everyone can use this service absolutely free as an individual.

FOR BUILDERS /DEALERS/PROMOTERS : HS Infotech has customized apnaaghar.com to give you a feel of your own website . As a builder /dealer/promoter, there will be a lot of saving in terms of your time and money.

FOR INDIVIDUAL USERS AND OWNERS : apnaaghar.com aims at meeting your specific requirements of properties by providing you this service with some unique /effective features. It is so simple to advertise/explore your property/projects on this site by posting even the most minute details through a number of pictures/sketches/map view and videos to recreate the visualisation of an actual site tour.

FOR YOUR HELP : buy, sell and rent tabs on top right half of the home page will further ease your effort. Explanatory text and tool tips will guide you as you proceed to use various features of this site.

Advertise Properties with live Videos, Sketches, Maps and Photographs. You can mark and show your properties on the SATELLITE VIEW/MAP

You have the following options for search:- Residential and Commercial Properties: Customized search through
And Browsing Projects/Properties in Tri city by Clicking "Looking for New Projects in your city" on home page